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 Aider RS2

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 3600
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

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MessageSujet: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2009 - 15:56

Vous voulez aider RS2 a sortir plus rapidement?
Ou simplement montrer à tous les étrangers que les Français (et autres francophones) ne sont pas les plus mauvais en langue?
Ou seulement apprendre un peu d'histoire?

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*Sous réserve d'une bonne connaissance de l'anglais.
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Nombre de messages : 5611
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2009 - 18:23

in summary : aidez nous en faisant des descriptions plus completes?

ca me parait amusant...^^
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Nombre de messages : 3600
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2009 - 18:57

Amuse toi bien alors, il en reste une 50aines environ sur les 500 de base.
Si vous voulez je peux vous sortir un exemple de description?
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Nombre de messages : 5611
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Sep 2009 - 10:48

pq pas oui !

mais apres j'ais pas dit que j'en ferais, je change completement d'orientation d'etudes jecvais voir lundi si j'aurai du temps ou si c'est pire encore :p
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Nombre de messages : 3600
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

Aider RS2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Sep 2009 - 20:59

Voici une description "brute", si vous voulez en faire, vous avez seulement besoin de faire la "grande" partie. Et avec des espaces.

{veneti_skirmisher} Veneti Skirmisher

Primary Armour = Flesh\n\nThe Veneti are a tribe primarily known for its naval strength. They possess a secret in their fighting ranks in the form of their skirmishers. Despite their tribes main preoccupation with trade, in Gallic fashion, they are strong in warrior tradition, and they train excellent skirmishers for this ancient tradition. As with their brothers and often rivals further inland, these warriors are not trained to use their blades in hand to hand combat with great results. That kind of training is not emphasized for them. Where they show their greatest skill is with their javelins. As young boys, they used smaller versions of their javelins in the lakes, streams, and coastal inlets to harpoon fish and catch other small aquatic animals. With this history behind them they perform admirably with the javelin, much to the displeasure of the enemies they face.\n\nThe Veneti were renown for their impressive, vast fleet in western Gaul. Like their southern neighbours dwelling in the Pictones tribe, lands belonging to the Veneti sit astride the common trade routes that connected Britannia, Gaul and the somewhat Romanized region of southern Gaul, Provence, into a network of goods and wealth. Their many trading ships and contacts in Britannia allowed them a huge portion of the profits that originated in that land, virtually controlling the tin and metals trade and all the shipping with Britannia.\n\nThough complete descriptions of Veneti sailing vessels are unknown, The Greek geographer Strabo records that their sails were made of leather and could obviously make the long, often stormy voyage to Britannia. One inch nails helped to secure the one foot thick beams to the frame of their ships. Strabo recorded that their ships were exceptionally sea worthy, very well suited for the stormy weather patterns and gales that occur often of their coastal trade routes, exceeding the Roman ships in those categories of naval ability. The Veneti ships could come sail much closer to the shore than the Roman ships. Its possible that side rudders similar to the ones Romans made were used to maneuver and steer their fleet.\n\nIn war Caesar was successfully able to storm several of their towns. However, at the last moment, the Veneti always managed to vacate and escape by sea to an island or peninsula. The Veneti participated in the first recorded naval battle of the Atlantic in 56 B.C. Against Julius Caesar their fleet of 220 ships went head to head with the fleet of Caesar off the coast of Morbihan Bay, whose little Roman caravels couldn't even ram the larger Veneti ships. The small Roman ships sat lower and had less height which allowed the Celts to hurl javelins down atop the Roman troop in their ships. In response to this weakness, the legionaries used hooks attached to long poles to cut the rope and sails of the Veneti fleet. Being powered only by oars, this put the Veneti at a disadvantage. One by one the boats were surrounded and boarded, it's crew overwhelmed, and then set on fire. This happened many times over the course of the battle. Eventually, the ships that were still intact were set to escape, but the wind that was present throughout the battle suddenly diminished and died, leaving their craft helpless. In the end, Caesar executed the leaders of the tribe, and had the survivors sold as slaves.

Veneti Skirmisher
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Nombre de messages : 1746
Age : 32
Localisation : Hispanie.
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010

Aider RS2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Mar 2010 - 15:08

j'ai besoin de vos réponses svp

1)au faite j'ai remarquer que toutes les factions du jeu peuvent recruter des spartiates o_O
j'éspère juste que on peut juste les recruter à sparte pasque si c'est dans toute les villes bah c'est byzard.

2) la réforme de marius se déclanche comment ?

3) les legions ne se recrutent que dans les villes ou il y a un'' L ''
mais si je prends une ville sans L et que je veux réformer mes troupes , je peux les réformer ou non ?
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Nombre de messages : 1746
Age : 32
Localisation : Hispanie.
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2010

Aider RS2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Mar 2010 - 15:16

j'ai traduis moi même le menu principale et les citations en prenant les fichers de rome total war (l'original ) et en les placant dans mon dossier RS1.
donc voila en faite quand j'appuie sur le lien de colonel burthon , le lien ne s'affiche pas en me disant que le site utilise java ...
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Nombre de messages : 3600
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

Aider RS2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Mar 2010 - 15:35

Tu ne peux en effet les recrutés seulement à Spartes en Campagne.
En construisant un palais impériale dans les villes écrites dans la description du premier bâtiment d'une vile (home rules ou quelque chose comme cela). De tête, je crois que c'est Segestica, Patavium, Croton et Byzance (pas sur du tout).
Non, recrutement et reformation sont liés.

J'avais mis un autre lien vers les dernières pages, va voir si il marche.
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Nombre de messages : 2576
Age : 28
Localisation : Carthage
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2009

Aider RS2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Mar 2010 - 16:16

byzance ou tarentum il n'y a pas que des spartiate il y a d'autre cities hoplite
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MessageSujet: Re: Aider RS2   Aider RS2 Icon_minitime

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